IELTS / TOEFL Writing Answer Sheet
Please follow the instruction for the IELTS / TOEFL Writing Answer Sheet
Reminder, if you will take the paper-based IELTS Test, then please write it first on a piece of paper and after that input in this system as I want you guys to practice your handwriting. If you choose to do the computer-based IELTS test then no need to write it on a piece of paper. You can directly input your answer here. For TOEFL students please just write your answer here.
Kindly encode the source of the test so that I can check the data or the graph.
Frequently Asked Questions
When I will get the result?
I have a eight-to-five job thus I cannot guarantee to immediately check your answer especially in writing. However, don’t worry I will make sure that I can check them at least once a week.
Where can I see the correction?
Every students will be given a google document file, you will just need to check it and if I corrected it. It will automatically show on your Google Docs
I am in China, can I access this?
Unfortunately, Google Suite such as Forms and Google Docs are banned in China. We are currently working on the workaround.
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Ian Tanpiuco is an ESL and virtual assistant. With a decade of experience, he has become an expert in his field. Dedicated to helping others achieve their goals, Ian works tirelessly in the classroom or as a virtual assistant.