Cambridge 8
IELTS Task 2 – Parents and Schools

IELTS Task 2 – Parents and Schools

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is often believed that parents should be solely responsible for raising the future generation into productive members of society, while others suggest that it is the primary role of the academe. In my opinion, both approaches are essential and cannot stand alone.

The notion that parents bear the sole responsibility of cultivating good values and behaviors in their offspring stems from the fact that parents are the primary figures with whom a child interacts. As such, any attitudes or actions exhibited by the child are often attributed to the parents’ upbringing. Consequently, it is crucial for parents to shoulder the responsibility of shaping the future generation. For instance, when children observe their parents interacting with other individuals or engaging in certain activities, they may consider these actions as appropriate and emulate them. Therefore, parents must exercise caution in their conduct as their offspring are likely to imitate and view their actions as the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, not all parents have the same level of competence in raising their children, so it makes sense for schools to share the responsibility of instilling good values and conduct. Teachers are professionally trained to effectively teach children values and right conduct, using various methodologies tailored to each student’s individual needs. Additionally, students can better understand and internalize these values when they are in a small group, compared to being the only child at home. In school, values can be effectively simulated and reinforced in the classroom setting. For instance, students can better understand the value of sharing and respecting elders in school since they are not family members, making them more aware of the people around them. This cannot be as easily applied at home.

In my view, both approaches are essential for a child’s holistic development, and to enable them to become exemplary citizens. It is imperative that both parents and teachers work collaboratively to achieve this goal. While parents lay the foundation of fundamental values such as respect, teachers further refine and reinforce these values in school. Additionally, parents must take an active interest in their children’s education, by following up on what values they are learning in school and providing further explanation to their children. This cycle of reinforcement and support should continue until the child is sufficiently trained to understand good values and right conduct.

In conclusion, it is not possible for either parents or schools to solely bear the responsibility of raising the future generation as both parties are required to enrich the child’s mental capabilities and instill values necessary to become good members of their community. Therefore, it is imperative that parents and teachers work collaboratively towards this common goal, ensuring that the child receives a well-rounded education both at home and in school.


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