Pattern English: How Do We Use About?
How Do We Use About? – Pattern English
Today we will discuss what are the ways people use the word “About”.
Pattern English Usage 01: About – Identifies a topic.
Pattern 1.1: noun + be + about + noun
This book is about prepositions.
Nouns commonly used before about:
1. The argument is about politics.
2. The article is about technology.
3. The book is about history.
4. The conversation is about current events.
5. The disagreement is about priorities.
6. The discussion is about science.
7. The joke is about relationships.
8. The lecture is about psychology.
9. The movie is about adventure.
10. The news is about climate change.
11. The play is about love.
12. The program is about innovation.
13. The report is about economics.
14. The speech is about leadership.
15. The story is about friendship.
Pattern 1.2: noun + about + noun.
She gave me advice about my loan.
Nouns commonly used before about
- He gave me assurance about the project.
- I have a complaint about the service.
- Sarah made a comment about the presentation.
- The gossip is about the new employee.
- Don’t tell a lie about your achievements.
- Can you answer my question about the schedule?
- He made a statement about his future plans.
- Always seek the truth about important matters.
Pattern 1.3: verb + about + noun
He often talks about his job.
Verbs commonly used before about:
1. They often agree about the project.
2. We sometimes argue about politics.
3. She brags about her achievements.
4. Do you care about the environment?
5. I complain about the traffic every day.
6. Don’t cry about spilled milk.
7. He does everything about the house.
8. I dream about traveling the world.
9. Don’t forget about your responsibilities.
10. She groans about her workload.
11. Have you heard about the news?
12. They joke about their experiences.
13. Do you know about the new policy?
14. We often laugh about silly things.
15. Don’t lie about your qualifications.
16. She often moans about her job.
17. They pray about their future.
18. Have you read about the latest trends?
19. He says something about his day.
20. They scream about their favorite team.
21. She sings about love and heartbreak.
22. We talk about our plans.
23. I often think about the future.
24. Do you wonder about the meaning of life?
25. Don’t worry about the small things.
26. Why are you yelling about the mistake?
Pattern 1.4: verb + noun + about
She knows something about airplanes.
He asked something about the project.
Did you find out anything about the event?
I know a little about technology.
We learned a lot about history.
They say quite a bit about the industry.
She asked about the details.
Did you find out something interesting about the topic?
I know very little about fashion.
He learned quite a bit about cooking.
They say nothing about their plans.
She asked about the details.
Did you find out something interesting about the topic?
I know very little about fashion.
He learned quite a bit about cooking.
They say nothing about their plans.
Pattern 1.5: verb + indirect object + about + noun
They asked me about my trip.
Verbs commonly used with this pattern:
1. She advised me about my career choices.
2. Did he ask you about the party?
3. Please don’t bother me about the deadline.
4. I contacted her about the upcoming event.
5. They often harass us about the noise.
6. Did they question you about the incident?
7. She reminded me about the meeting.
8. He taught me about programming.
9. Can you tell me about your experience?
10. I wrote to them about the issue.
Pattern 1.6: adjective + about + noun
They were very kind about our late arrival.
Adjectives commonly used before about:
1. She was charming about the mistake.
2. He was kind about the misunderstanding.
3. Don’t be nasty about their decision.
4. They were nice about the changes.
5. Don’t be mean about their efforts.
6. She was rude about the interruption.
7. He’s always sweet about your achievements.
8. Be understanding about their situation.
9. Don’t be unkind about their struggles.
Pattern English Usage 02:About can identify the cause of an emotion or condition.
Pattern 2.1: adjective + about + noun
We are excited about our vacation.
Adjectives commonly used before about:
1. She is angry about the situation.
2. Are you anxious about the exam?
3. He’s bashful about receiving compliments.
4. They are concerned about the environment.
5. Don’t be confused about the instructions.
6. We are crazy about the new movie.
7. I am excited about the upcoming event.
8. Are you glad about the news?
9. She’s happy about the achievement.
10. He is mad about the decision.
11. Don’t be nervous about the presentation.
12. Stay objective about the feedback.
13. Try to be optimistic about the future.
14. Don’t be pessimistic about the outcome.
15. He’s right about the process.
16. She is sick about the constant noise.
17. Don’t be silly about serious matter.
18. They are unhappy about the results.
19. I am upset about the misunderstanding.
20. Are you worried about the deadline?
Pattern English Usage 03: About (adverb) can mean approximately.
Pattern 3.1: about + number
It is about nine o’clock.
We have about ten dollars each.
Usage 04: About can mean in all parts of.
Pattern 4.1: be + noun + about + noun
There is a lot of excitement about town.
Pattern 4.2: past participle of verb + about + noun
Papers were scattered about the house.
Typical past participles used before about:
1. Papers were scattered about the room.
2. Leaves were sprinkled about the garden.
3. Toys were strewn about the living room.
4. Hints were dropped about the surprise party.
5. Feathers were scattered about the bird’s nest.
6. Confetti was sprinkled about the celebration area.
7. Clothes were strewn about the bedroom.
8. Seeds were scattered about the flowerbed.
9. Sand was sprinkled about the beach.
10. Books were strewn about the library.
Pattern English Usage 05: About can describe a noun.
Pattern 5.1: something/nothing + (adjective) + about + noun
Adjectives commonly used before about:
There is something
- about her that I like.
- adorable about her.
- adorable about the puppy.
- attractive about that painting.
- cute about the baby’s laughter.
- exotic about the tropical plants.
- fascinating about her stories.
- familiar about that melody.
- fishy about his explanation.
- funny about the situation.
- interesting about the historical event.
- nice about the sunset.
- peculiar about his behavior.
- special about their bond.
- strange about the noise.
- unusual about the phenomenon.
- weird about that coincidence.
- wonderful about the view.
There is nothing
- nice about that.
- bad about his intentions.
- good about the spoiled food.
Pattern English Usage 06: About can mean in all directions.
Pattern 6.1: motion verb + about + noun
We wandered about town for a few hours.
Pattern 6.2: motion verb + about (adverb)
The baby crawls about the house.
Verbs commonly used with these patterns:
The cat prowls about the backyard.
She goes about her daily routine.
The children jump about in the playground.
He looks about the room searching for his keys.
They move about the city exploring.
Don’t poke about in other people’s belongings.
The dog runs about the park with enthusiasm.
We walk about the neighborhood every evening.
The tourists wander about the historic streets.
The baby crawls about the playroom, discovering new toys.
Pattern English Usage 07 About (adverb) can mean almost.
Pattern 7.1: be + about + adjective
She is about ready.
Adjectives commonly used after about:
The project is about complete.
Is the meal about done?
Her artwork is about finished.
The essay is about perfection.
The decision is about right.
The construction is about through.
Pattern English Usage 08: About as an Expression
Pattern 8.1 to see about—
1. to delay a decision until more information is known
-We want to buy a house, but we will see about that later.
2. to get information about
I called that office to see about getting a job there.
Pattern 8.2 to find out about
1. —to get information about
She called the school to find out about her daughter’s behavior.
Pattern 8.3 about + infinitive—ready to
The show is about to begin.
to be about time—an expression of annoyance that a person or thing has arrived late.
”It’s about time you got here,” said the mother when her daughter came home late.
Pattern 8.4 to have an air about one—to seem uncaring or unfriendly
That new guy has an air about him.
Pattern 8.5 not about (adverb) + infinitive—not willing to
I’m not about to sign that agreement.
They’re not about to go home early.
Pattern 8.6 about face
Pattern 8.6.1 (verb) a military command to turn halfway around, and face the opposite direction
The sergeant ordered, “About face!”
He told his men about face.
Pattern 8.6.2 (noun) a complete change of opinion
He did an about face when he learned the facts.
Pattern English Pattern 09: Phrasal verbs
Pattern 9.1 bring about (separable)—cause
The storm brought about problems.
The storm brought them about.
Pattern 9.2 come about (intransitive)—happen
How did that situation come about?
Pattern 9.3 to get about (intransitive)—to be able to walk
He is ninety years old, and he gets about very well.
Pattern 9.4 to find out about (nonseparable)—to get information or news about something
When did you find out about the accident?
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Ian Tanpiuco is an ESL and virtual assistant. With a decade of experience, he has become an expert in his field. Dedicated to helping others achieve their goals, Ian works tirelessly in the classroom or as a virtual assistant.