IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Fixing Things

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Fixing Things

IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Fixing Things)

Topic: Fixing Things
Difficulty: Easy

Can you fix things?

Yes, I can say that I am capable of fixing several things, from basic busted lights to replacing faulty faucets and bidets. I can also repair hinges and doors. When it comes to gadgets, I know how to disassemble and troubleshoot laptops, trying to identify and fix problems. The same applies to computers, although my expertise lies more in software-related fixes rather than hardware. I can handle basic repairs on electric fans and other motor-operated devices. However, unlike professional technicians, I can only offer a service-level fix. I have never attempted soldering or replacing chips, motherboards, or capacitors. If I discover something is broken, I can try to find the parts and perform a basic repair. But I don’t specialize in intricate repairs.

Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?

When I was a child, I was fortunate to live near a repair shop. We didn’t have much to do, so during the afternoons, we would observe the repair shop fixing various items. I remember the repair guy fixing a large CRT TV. I saw him soldering the motherboard, replacing fuses and capacitors. Although I never personally attempted those repairs, I gained theoretical knowledge of how to do them.

Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

Yes, I believe it is still necessary for people to learn how to fix things, even though there are easier alternatives like replacement or relying on professional repair services. As an individual, I think it is important to possess the skill of fixing things because not everything in life can be replaced. It is a matter of principle and, in my view, a part of masculinity to be able to fix things, particularly cars. Personally, I haven’t owned a car because I lack expertise in working on engines, and I find it embarrassing to own a car that I can’t fix. Therefore, my philosophy is that if you can’t fix it, you shouldn’t buy it. This is why I believe people should learn how to fix things, as you don’t want to be stranded on the road feeling helpless because you can’t fix or change a tire.

What do you do when something is broken and cannot be fixed?

Well, if something is broken and I have exhausted all proper troubleshooting steps, including attempting to isolate the problem and replacing certain parts without success, I would seek the opinion of another professional. If we both come to the same conclusion, it would be best to replace the item. As for the broken part itself, I usually salvage it. For instance, if it’s a computer that is no longer functioning or has a faulty thermal fan, I would salvage the hard drive and monitor. I would then sell the defective board or processor at a discounted price. This is my approach when something is broken and cannot be repaired.

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