IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Paying Bills

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Paying Bills

IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Paying Bills)

Topic: Paying Bills
Difficulty: Easy

What kinds of bills do you have to pay?
How do you usually pay your bills — in cash or by another method? [Why?]
Have you ever forgotten to pay a bill? [Why/Why not?]
Is there anything you could do to make your bills cheaper? [Why/Why not?]

1. What kinds of bills do you have to pay?

As a business owner, I have several bills and leases that I have to pay every month. This includes the electricity and water bills for the space I’m renting. Additionally, I have personal bills such as a printer subscription, where I pay around $200 per month for the monthly servicing of a heavy industrial printer. Apart from that, I also have monthly payments for my phone and internet, as I am currently on a 24-month contract.

2. How do you usually pay your bills — in cash or by another method? Why?

It’s convenient that my accountant allows me to include my personal payments along with the company expenses. I provide her with the necessary funds, and she takes care of paying the bills manually. This is because internet payment methods in my country often have glitches, and I prefer to avoid any potential issues by paying the bills directly in person.

3. Have you ever forgotten to pay a bill? Why/Why not?

Yes, it was quite embarrassing. It mostly happened because I didn’t read the fine print. I mistakenly believed that a particular payment was already included in the contract. However, I received a notice indicating otherwise, which came as a surprise. Fortunately, the person I spoke to understood the situation since we had a personal relationship. They allowed me to pay the fine for the overdue amount and waived the late fee.

4. Is there anything you could do to make your bills cheaper? Why/Why not?

Since I have three leases, each with its own separate internet connection, I’m planning to rent a larger space where all three of my businesses can operate together. This way, I would only need two internet connections, which would serve as a backup for each other. Consolidating the internet services would significantly reduce my monthly dues and also help save on electricity, as I would only need one set of utilities for everyone to share the expenses. I intend to implement this plan by next year.


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