IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Exciting Activities)

Topic: Exciting Activities
Difficulty: Medium

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

  • Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?
  • Has anything exciting happened to you recently?
  • What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?
  • Have you ever tried any exciting activities?

Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?

Aya (High School Student)

I think scuba diving and bungee jumping sound exciting! Scuba diving seems amazing because I can explore beautiful underwater worlds. Swimming with colorful fish and looking at coral reefs would be a great experience. However, I feel scared about bungee jumping. The thought of jumping from a high place makes me nervous. I want to try new things, but I also worry. Maybe one day, when I have more confidence, I can enjoy these activities. For now, I will stick to safe things, like hiking and watching nature videos. They feel exciting but still safe for me!

Minho (University Student)

I would love to try scuba diving! It seems like a unique experience to explore underwater life. Swimming with fish and discovering coral reefs would be unforgettable. However, I think bungee jumping is a bit too extreme for me. Jumping from a high place is thrilling but also very scary. Recently, I went hiking with friends, and it was exciting. We reached the mountain’s peak, and the view was breathtaking! As a child, I found roller coasters thrilling. I remember the rush of adrenaline and laughter with my friends. Scuba diving would be a great adventure to add to my experiences!

Linh (Office Worker)

I have always wanted to try scuba diving, but bungee jumping is not for me. I admire those who have the courage to jump off a bridge, but I prefer adventures under the sea. Scuba diving offers a chance to explore the ocean’s beauty, which is thrilling. Recently, I went on a weekend trip to the beach. It felt exciting! I went snorkeling and saw many colorful fish swimming around me. When I was a child, I loved going to amusement parks. Riding the Ferris wheel and roller coasters brought me so much joy. I have never tried bungee jumping, but maybe one day, I will find the courage!

Mr. Wong (Retired English Teacher)

I have always found scuba diving fascinating, and I would definitely try it. The idea of swimming among marine life excites me! However, bungee jumping has never appealed to me. It seems quite extreme, and I prefer safer activities. Recently, I attended a local cultural festival, which was exciting! I enjoyed various performances and tasted different foods from many cultures. When I was a child, I found exploring nature to be the most thrilling activity. Climbing trees and playing with friends filled my days with joy. I have not tried any extreme activities like bungee jumping, but I believe it’s never too late to discover new experiences!

Has anything exciting happened to you recently?

Aya (High School Student)

Yes, something exciting happened recently! My friends and I went to a local anime convention. I saw many amazing costumes and met other fans. We talked about our favorite shows and even took pictures with some of the characters. It was so much fun to see everyone’s creativity. I also learned more about anime and manga from the booths there. Also, I felt happy and a bit nervous talking to new people, but it was a great experience! I hope to go again next year. Next time, I might even dress up as my favorite character! This event made me feel more confident in social situations.

Minho (University Student)

Yes, something exciting happened! Last weekend, I attended a technology conference with my classmates. We listened to interesting speakers about the latest trends in business and technology. I even had the chance to network with some professionals! It felt great to connect with people who share my interests. I learned a lot about entrepreneurship and marketing. After the conference, we all went out for dinner and talked about our favorite moments. It was exciting to meet new friends and discuss our ideas. Events like these make my university life more enjoyable and help me grow as a person!

Linh (Office Worker)

Yes, I experienced something exciting recently! I participated in a workshop about digital marketing. It was an amazing opportunity to learn new strategies and techniques. The speaker was a successful marketer who shared her experiences and insights. I felt inspired by her story. After the workshop, I networked with other attendees. We shared ideas and discussed industry trends. It was refreshing to connect with others who are passionate about marketing. This workshop helped me improve my skills and gave me new ideas for my job. I look forward to applying what I learned in my work!

Mr. Wong (Retired English Teacher)

Yes, I attended an interesting lecture on language learning recently. The speaker discussed methods for teaching English as a second language. I enjoyed hearing new ideas and sharing my experiences with fellow educators. It was exciting to engage in discussions about effective teaching strategies and cultural exchange. I also had the chance to meet some young teachers who were eager to learn. Their enthusiasm reminded me of my own teaching days. Events like this keep me connected to the education community and help me stay updated on new approaches. I always find joy in learning!

What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?

Aya (High School Student)

When I was a child, I found many exciting activities! I loved going to the playground and climbing on the jungle gym. I also enjoyed riding my bike around the neighborhood with my friends. We would play games like tag and hide-and-seek. Those days were filled with laughter and fun. I remember going to amusement parks with my family, where I tried the ferris wheel and enjoyed cotton candy. Watching my favorite cartoons made me happy too! I think exploring nature and spending time outdoors were the best. Those experiences shaped my childhood, and I still cherish those memories.

Minho (University Student)

As a child, I enjoyed many exciting activities! Playing soccer with my friends after school was one of my favorites. We would form teams and compete until sunset. I also loved visiting the local amusement park. The thrill of roller coasters gave me an adrenaline rush. Another exciting activity was going on family trips. We explored different cities, which opened my eyes to new cultures and experiences. I also spent time playing video games, which brought a different kind of excitement. Those days were filled with adventure and fun. I believe those activities helped shape my interests today!

Linh (Office Worker)

When I was a child, I found many exciting activities! I loved going on nature walks with my family. We explored parks and discovered new plants and animals. I also enjoyed painting and crafting. Creating art brought me joy and excitement. Another thrilling activity was learning how to ride a bicycle. I remember the feeling of freedom as I rode down the street. Family vacations were also exciting, especially when we visited new places. Those experiences allowed me to learn about different cultures and histories. I cherish those memories, as they made my childhood enjoyable and full of wonder!

Mr. Wong (Retired English Teacher)

When I was a child, many exciting activities filled my days! I enjoyed exploring nature with my friends. We often went hiking and climbed trees, which felt like great adventures. I also loved reading books. Getting lost in stories opened my imagination and made me feel like I could travel anywhere. Playing sports, especially soccer, was thrilling. I remember the joy of scoring a goal and celebrating with my teammates. Family gatherings were also exciting, filled with laughter and games. Those experiences shaped my love for learning and exploring. They remain dear to my heart as I look back!

Have you ever tried any exciting activities?

Aya (High School Student)

Yes, I have tried some exciting activities! Last summer, I went zip-lining with my friends. It was a little scary at first, but I felt the thrill as I flew over the trees. I screamed with excitement! It was amazing to see the view from above. I also tried rock climbing for the first time. Climbing up the wall was challenging, but reaching the top felt like an achievement. I enjoyed these experiences because they helped me face my fears. I want to try more adventurous activities in the future, like kayaking or even scuba diving. Each experience helps me grow!

Minho (University Student)

Yes, I have tried a few exciting activities! Recently, I went skydiving with my friends to celebrate our graduation. Jumping from the plane was thrilling, and the free fall felt incredible! The view while parachuting down was breathtaking. I also love playing basketball, and participating in university tournaments brings excitement. Competing against other teams pushes me to improve my skills. I have also gone camping with friends, which was fun. We hiked, cooked food over a campfire, and shared stories at night. Each activity taught me something new and brought us closer together!

Linh (Office Worker)

Yes, I have tried some exciting activities! A few months ago, I went on a hot air balloon ride. Floating high in the sky and watching the landscape below was breathtaking! The feeling of freedom and peace was unforgettable. I also enjoy hiking, and I’ve climbed some challenging trails. The excitement of reaching the summit and taking in the views is amazing. I once took a cooking class that felt exciting too! Learning how to make new dishes and tasting them with friends brought joy. I plan to continue trying new things to enrich my life and experiences.

Mr. Wong (Retired English Teacher)

Yes, I have tried various exciting activities throughout my life! One of my favorites was scuba diving during a trip to Australia. Swimming among colorful fish and coral reefs was mesmerizing. I also enjoyed hiking in the mountains, where I appreciated the beauty of nature. Participating in cultural events was exciting as well. I used to perform traditional dances during festivals, which brought me joy and connected me to my heritage. I have also traveled to many countries, which provided me with thrilling experiences. Each activity added richness to my life and deepened my understanding of the world.

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